How To Can Peaches at Home to Enjoy Anytime | Southern Living

2022-09-10 19:08:02 By : Ms. Susie Wang

If you could capture the flavor of Southern summer in a jar, what would it taste like? If you live in Savannah, you may say that summer tastes like a double-scoop of Leopold's butter pecan ice cream. Or if you're from Memphis, maybe summer tastes like Rendezvous' charcoal-grilled ribs and tangy-sweet coleslaw. But no matter where in the South you are, you can probably agree that summer tastes like fresh peaches.

During the cold winter months, there's no sweeter dream than of juicy, ripe peaches, overflowing in crates at the farmers' market or plucked right from our backyard trees. This year, capture that summertime spirit by canning your extra peaches to eat all year long. Think ahead to preserve peaches' prime freshness now. You'll be thanking us later.

To can peaches, there are two different techniques that you can use: steam canning or waterbath canning. We'll be using the more traditional waterbath technique, which is said to work well for highly acidic foods like peaches. It is possible to DIY your waterbath canner, but it's worth investing in a waterbath canner or full canning kit (available on Amazon) to ensure you have all the proper equipment.

To can your own peaches, you'll need the following materials:

These canned peaches will last for a whole year to bring a little bit of sunshine to those dreary winter months. We recommend storing them in a dry spot in your kitchen so guests can marvel at their gorgeous color and your impressive handiwork.

WATCH: The Peach Truck Tour Is Bringing the Best Georgia Peaches All Around the Countr

You can be sure that, in the case of an apocalypse, us Southerners will be prepared with shelves full of canned peaches. It's like preserving summertime in a jar.